Tag: Log Parser
Recently while looking through my site’s traffic report from the past few months I noticed an unusual spike. I use SmarterStats by SmarterTools which is a web based enterprise …
Another one of the great built-in features of IIS 8 is Dynamic IP Restrictions (DIPR). With a few simple configuration steps you can quickly set limits for blocking IP …
The other day I was troubleshooting 100% CPU utilization on a SQL Server 2008 database server. The server had 100 or so databases of varying sizes however none were …
When you need quick analysis of your traffic logs you won’t find an better tool than Microsoft’s free Log Parser. With Log Parser you can read a variety of …
The other day I was checking the traffic stats for my WordPress blog to see which of my posts were the most popular. I was a little concerned to …
Microsoft’s Log Parser is a really powerful tool for searching log files. With just a few simple SQL commands you can pull more data than you ever imagined out …